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Peer-reviewed publications


Emma L. Briggs, Daniel U. Greene, Christine C. Fortuin, David C. Clabo, Brittany F. Barnes, Kamal J.K. Gandhi. (2024). Wild bee community responses to forest herbicide treatments in planted loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) stands.
Forest Ecology and Management, 572: 122332


Favorito, C.M., B.F. Barnes, E.L. Briggs, C.C. Fortuin, D.U. Greene, A.L. Larsen-Gray, J.A. Martin, E McCarty, and K.J.K. Gandhi. (2023). Stand Stage Affects Wild Bee Communities in Working Pine Forests.  Forest Ecology and Management, 545: 121247.


John Drake, Eric Marty, Kamal J.K. Gandhi, Meredith Welch-Devine, Brian Bledsoe, Marshall Shepherd, Lynne Seymour, Christine C. Fortuin, Cristian Montes. (2023).  Disasters collide at the intersection of extreme weather and infectious diseases. Ecology Letters, 00, 1–5. 


Fortuin, C.C., C. Montes, J. T. Vogt, K. J. K Gandhi. (2023).  Stand and tree characteristics influence damage severity after a catastrophic hurricane disturbance.  Forest Ecology and Management, 532 (120844)


McDonald, E., J. Podesta, C. C. Fortuin, and K.J.K. Gandhi (2022).  Expanded distribution range of eight orchid bee species (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Euglossini) in Costa Rica. Biodiversity Data Journal, 10.e81220.
Fortuin, CC, C. R. Montes, J. T. Vogt, K. J. K. Gandhi (2022). Predicting risks of severe windstorm damage to Southeastern U.S. forests.  Landscape Ecology, 37, 1905–1919
Fortuin, C.C. and K. J. K. Gandhi (2021). Mason bees (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) exhibit no avoidance of imidacloprid-treated soils, Environmental Entomology, 50 (6), 1438–1445.
Fortuin, C. C. and K. J. K Gandhi. (2021).  Functional traits and nesting habitats distinguish the structure of bee communities in clearcut and managed hardwood & pine forests in Southeastern U.S.A.  Forest Ecology and Management, 496 (119351).
Fortuin, C. C. et al. (2021). Acute contact with imidacloprid in soil affects the nesting and survival success of a solitary wild bee, Osmia lignaria (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Chemosphere, 264 (128572).  
Cairns, C. E. et al. (2005). Bee populations, forest disturbance, and Africanization in Mexico. Biotropica, 37(4), 686–692.  

Book Chapters


Cairns, Christine et al., 2003.  Las Fuerzas Impulsoras Detrás del Descenso de la Meliponicultura en el Estado de Quintana Roo (Driving Forces Behind the Decrease in Meliponiculture in the State of Quintana Roo).  In Bray, David B. et al. (eds) Investigaciones en Apoyo de una Economía de Conservación en la Zona Maya de Quintana Roo (Investigations in support of a conservation economy in the Mayan Zone of Quintana Roo).  The Institute of Sustainability Science, Latin American and Caribbean Center, Florida International University, Miami, Fl.  â€‹



K. J. K. Gandhi , B. F. Barnes , C. Bishop , C. Fortuin , B. Gochnour , R. Hoyt, K. D. Klepzig , E. McCarty, C. Miller, C. Montes , T. N. Sheehan , S. Spinner , C. Villari , and J.T. Vogt.  (2022).  Multi-faceted forest health and socio-economic threats from catastrophic wind disturbances in the southeastern U.S. forests. In R. A. Arango and D. S. Pureswaran (Eds), Proceedings of the 7th North American Forest Insect Work Conference, Shaping Forests: Action in a Changing World.  United State Forest Service, FHAAST-2022-01


Fortuin, C. C. and K. J. K. Gandhi. (2022).  Functional traits drive bee community responses to habitat variability in managed southeastern forests.  In R. A. Arango and D. S. Pureswaran (Eds), Proceedings of the 7th North American Forest Insect Work Conference, Shaping Forests: Action in a Changing World.  United State Forest Service, FHAAST-2022-01


C. Favorito, J. A. Martin , A. Larsen-Gray, D. Greene, C. C. Fortuin, B. F. Barnes , E. McCarty , and K. J. K. Gandhi (2022). Elucidating stand-level characteristics critical for maintaining insect pollinators in working forests. In R. A. Arango and D. S. Pureswaran (Eds), Proceedings of the 7th North American Forest Insect Work Conference, Shaping Forests: Action in a Changing World.  United State Forest Service, FHAAST-2022-01

Invited Presentations

Gandhi, K. J. K., Fortuin, C. C., Greene, D. U., and Larsen-Gray, A. L.  2023.  The buzz about insect pollinators and forestry practices.  Timberland Investment Resources Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, 8 August 2023.  Invited presentation.


C. C. Fortuin, M. Stoecker, K. Evans, K. J.K Gandhi.  Wild bee community responses to forest harvesting and roads: Implications of the patchwork landscape.  The 62nd Annual Southern Forest Insect Work Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina, July 2023.  Invited Presentation.


Fortuin, C. C., C. Miller, S. Spinner, B. Gochnour, C. Montes, J. T. Vogt, K. J. K. Gandhi.  Assessing damage vulnerability and pest impacts resulting from Hurricane Michael in intensively managed forests.  Ecological Society of America, Portland, Oregon, August 2023.  Invited Presentation


Gandhi, K.J.K., Barnes, B.F., Fortuin, C., Gochnour, B., Kinz, S., Klepzig, K.D., McCarty, E., Miller, C., Montes, C., Sheehan, T.N., Spinner, S., and Vogt, J.T.  (2023).  Multi-faceted impacts of catastrophic hurricanes in the southeastern U.S.  Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Society of the American Foresters (SESAF), Panama City, Florida, 15-17 February 2023.  Invited Presentation.


Fortuin, C. C. and Kamal J.K. Gandhi (2022). Effects of Anthropogenic Forest Disturbances on Wild Bee Community Structure in the Southeast U.S.  The Wildlife Society annual conference, Spokane, Washington, November 2022.  Invited presentation. 


Fortuin, C. C. (2022).  Examining soil as an exposure pathway in nesting female solitary bees.  The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry annual meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 2022.  Invited presentation. 

Fortuin, C. C., and K.J.K.  Gandhi (2022). Wild bees in the Southeast: effects of pesticides and forest management.  Rayonier Research Meeting, January 2022.  Invited presentation.
Fortuin, C. C., and K.J.K.  Gandhi (2021).  Effects of Imidacloprid Residue in Soil on Nest Productivity and Survival of Blue Orchard Mason Bees.  Orchard Bee Association Annual Conference, Oregon State University, December 2021.  Invited presentation.
Fortuin, C. C., C. Montes, J. T. Vogt, K. J. K. Gandhi (2021). Evaluating and predicting severe wind damage risks at multiple scales in southern U.S. forests.  The Plantation Management Research Cooperative Annual Conference, Athens, Georgia, July 2021.  Invited presentation.



Mississippi State University

College of Forest Resources

Department of Forestry

Thompson Hall


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